Catalogue index
ABC Telegraph Transmitter, pp.160-162.
A Conversation Piece, Solomon Joseph Solomen, pp.156-157.
Admiralty, Coal and Telegraph Chart, p.85.
Ariadne on Naxos, George Frederic Watts, pp.158-159.
Arscott, Caroline
Evening, William Ayerst Ingram, pp.63-63.
Electrifying the Literal: Topham's Rescued from the Plague, pp.93-97.
Grim Spectres: Logsdail's The Ninth of November, 1888, pp.98-106.
Engineering and Oratorios: Poynter's Israel in Egypt, pp.107-113.
Caught by the Tide, James Clarke Hook, pp.119-120.
The Bonxie, Shetland, pp.121-122.
Moonbeams Dipping Into the Sea, pp.123-125.
The Music Lesson, Frederic Leighton, pp.126-128.
Rescued from the Plague, London 1665, Frank William Warwick Topham', pp.129-131.
The Ninth of November, 1888, William Logsdail', pp.132-133.
Israel in Egypt, Edward John Poynter, pp.134-135.
Atlantic Telegraph Cables, Siemens, pp.82-83
Automatic 'Jacquard' Telegraph Transmitter, pp.142-143.
Baker, W J, Pool of London, pp.70-71.
Battery of Ten Daniell Cells, pp.25-26.
Bonxie, Shetland, The, James Clarke Hook, pp.121-122.
Brett, John, Echoes of a Far Off Storm, pp.53-54.
Caught by the Tide, James Clarke Hook, pp.119-120.
Chapman, Anne
Profound Repetition: Hook's Deep Sea Fishing, pp.34-39.
A Conversation Piece, Solomon Joseph Solomen, pp.156-157.
Ariadne on Naxos, George Frederic Watts, pp.158-159.
Commerce and Sea Power, William Lionel Wyllie, pp.47-48.
Coded Encounters: Tissot's The Last Evening, pp.145-150.
Ego et Rex Meus: King Henry VIII and Cardinal Wolsey, Sir John Gilbert, pp.151-153.
The Last Evening, Tissot, pp.154-155.
Charles Wheatstone's Wheatstone Bridge, pp.206-207.
Chart Showing the Intended Telegraphic Communication Between Newfoundland and Ireland, Cyrus Field, p.84.
Chatterton's Compound, pp.40-44.
Cipher Post, pp.166-168.
Code Books, pp.163-165.
Concertina and Telegraph Transmitter, pp.139-141.
Copper, Telegraphic, pp.114-118.
Cryptographs, pp.166-168.
Cyrus Field, Chart Showing the Intended Telegraphic Communication Between Newfoundland and Ireland, p.84.
Daniell Cells, pp.25-26.
De Breanski, Gustav, Hastings East Sussex, pp.74-76.
Deep Sea Fishing, James Clarke Hook, pp.34-39, pp.57-59.
De Morgan, Evelyn, Moonbeams Dipping Into the Sea, pp.87-92, pp.123-125.
Elliott Brothers Micrometer, pp.80-81.
Echoes of a Far Off Storm, John Brett, pp.53-54.
Ego et Rex Meus: King Henry VIII and Cardinal Wolsey, Sir John Gilbert, pp.151-153.
Evening, William Ayerst Ingram, pp.63-63.
Galvanometer, Thomson-style Reflecting Astatic, pp.136-138.
Gilbert, Sir John, 'Ego et Rex Meus: King Henry VIII and Cardinal Wolsey', pp.151-153.
Goodwin, Albert, 'The Toiler's Return', pp.77-79.
Graham, Peter,'Ribbed and Paled in by Rocks Unscalable and Roaring Waters', pp.180-188, pp.201-203.Greaves, Walter, The Pool of London, pp.51-52.
Grimshaw, John Atkinson, The Thames by Moonlight with Southwark Bridge, pp.28-33, pp.49-50.
Gutta-percha, pp.188-192.
Hastings East Sussex, Gustav De Breanski, pp.74-76.
Hook, James Clarke
Word From the Missing, pp.45-46
Deep Sea Fishing, pp.34-39, pp.57-59.
Caught by the Tide, pp.119-120
The Bonxie, Shetland, pp.121-122.
Hume, Natalie
Between the Empirical and the Abstract: Grimshaw's The Thames by Moonlight with Southwark Bridge, pp.28-33.
Word From the Missing, James Clarke Hook, pp.45-46.
Thames by Moonlight with Southwark Bridge, London, John Atkinson Grimshaw, pp.49-50.
The Pool of London, Walter Greaves, pp.51-52.
Echoes of a Far Off Storm, John Brett, pp.53-54.
The Wreck, Henry Moore, pp.55-56.
Deep Sea Fishing, James Clarke Hook, pp.57-59.
Summer Breeze in The Channel, Henry Moore, pp.60-62.
Queen Victoria's Procession to the Guildhall, 9 November 1837, James Henry Nixon, pp.65-66.
Laying Monster Tubes From the New River, James Baker Pyne, pp.67-69.
Men-of-War Off Portsmouth, Hampshire, Clarkson Stanfield, pp.72-73.
Hastings East Sussex, Gustav De Breanski, pp.74-76.
The Toiler's Return, Albert Goodwin, pp.77-79.
Resistance and Boundaries: Peter Graham's Ribbed and Paled in by Rocks Unscalable and Roaring Waters, pp.180-188.
Ingram, William Ayerst, Evening, pp.63-63.
Isles of the Sea, The, Thomas Hope McLachlan, pp.204-205.
Israel in Egypt, Edward John Poynter, pp.107-113, pp.134-135.
Landseer, Edwin, Man Proposes, God Disposes, 172-179, pp.195-196.
Last Evening, The, James Tissot, pp.145-150, pp.154-155.
Laying Monster Tubes From the New River, James Baker Pyne, pp.67-69.
Leighton, Frederic, The Music Lesson, pp.126-128.
Linnell, John, The Timber Waggon, pp.197-198.
Logsdail, William, The Ninth of November, 1888, pp.98-106, pp.132-133.
Man Proposes, God Disposes, Edwin Landseer, pp.172-179, pp.195-196.
McLachlan, Thomas Hope, The Isles of the Sea, pp.204-205.
Men-of-War Off Portsmouth, Hampshire, Clarkson Stanfield, pp.72-73.
Micrometer, Elliott Brothers, pp.80-81.
Miodownik, Mark A Brief Introduction to Electricity, pp.12-15.
Mogford, John, River Scene, pp.199-200.
Moonbeams Dipping Into the Sea, Evelyn De Morgan, pp.87-92, pp.123-125.
Moore, Henry, The Wreck, pp.55-56, pp.60-62.
Music Lesson, The, Frederic Leighton, pp.126-128.
Newland, Cassie
1866: The Year Communication Changed Forever, pp.16-21.
Sir Charles Wheatstone's Notes, pp.22-24.
Battery of Ten Daniell Cells, pp.25-26.
Chatterton's Compound, pp.40-44.
Nickel Silver Micrometer, Elliott Brothers, London, pp.80-81.
Three Samples of Siemens' Atlantic Telegraph Cables, pp.82-83.
Cyrus Field, Chart Showing the Intended Telegraphic Communication Between Newfoundland and Ireland', p.84.
Admiralty, Coal and Telegraph Chart, p.85.
Telegraphic Copper, pp.114-118.
A Thomson-style Reflecting Astatic Galvanometer made by Elliott Brothers, pp.136-138.
Concertina and Telegraph Transmitter, pp.139-141.
Wheatstone Automatic 'Jacquard' Telegraph Transmitter, pp.142-143.
ABC Telegraph Transmitter, pp.160-162.
Code Books, pp.163-165.
Cryptographs and Cipher Post, pp.166-168.
Gutta-percha, pp.188-192.
Charles Wheatstone's Wheatstone Bridge, pp.206-207.
Resistance Box, pp.208-209.
Ninth of November, 1888, The, William Logsdail, pp.98-106, pp.132-133.
Nixon, James Henry, Queen Victoria's Procession to the Guildhall, 9 November 1837, pp.65-66.
Notes, Sir Charles Wheatstone's, pp.22-24.Pettitt, Clare
Dispersed Consciousness: Evelyn De Morgan's Moonbeams Dipping Into the Sea, pp.87-92.
Franklin's Messages: Edwin Landseer's Man Proposes, God Disposes, pp.172-179.
Scene on the Lower Thames, William Lionel Wyllie, pp.193-194.
Man Proposes, God Disposes, Edwin Landseer, pp.195-196.
The Timber Waggon, John Linnell', pp.197-198.
River Scene, John Mogford', pp.199-200.
Ribbed and Paled in by Rocks Unscalable and Roaring Waters, Peter Graham', pp.201-203.
The Isles of the Sea, Thomas Hope McLachlan', pp.204-205.
Pool of London, The, Walter Greaves, pp.51-52.
Poynter, Edward John, Israel in Egypt, pp.107-113, pp.134-135.
Pyne, James Baker, Laying Monster Tubes From the New River, pp.67-69.
Queen Victoria's Procession to the Guildhall, 9 November 1837, James Henry Nixon, pp.65-66.
Rescued from the Plague, London 1665, Frank William Warwick Topham, pp.93-97, pp.129-131.
Resistance Box, pp.208-209.
Ribbed and Paled in by Rocks Unscalable and Roaring Waters, Peter Graham, pp.180-188, pp.201-203.
River Scene, John Mogford, pp.199-200.
Scene on the Lower Thames, William Lionel Wyllie, pp.193-194.
Siemens' Atlantic Telegraph Cables, pp.82-83.
Solomen, Solomon Joseph, A Conversation Piece, pp.156-157.
Stansfield, Clarkson, Men-of-War Off Portsmouth, Hampshire, pp.72-73.
Stather, Rae, The Great Grammatizor: Marvelous Messaging Machine, pp.169-170.
Summer Breeze in The Channel, Henry Moore, pp.60-62.
Telegraphic Copper, pp.114-118.
Thames by Moonlight with Southwark Bridge, London, John Atkinson Grimshaw, pp.49-50, pp.28-33.
The Bonxie, Shetland, James Clarke Hook, pp.121-122.
The Isles of the Sea, Thomas Hope McLachlan, pp.204-205.
The Last Evening, James Tissot, pp.145-150, pp.154-155.
The Music Lesson, Frederic Leighton, pp.126-128.
The Ninth of November, 1888, William Logsdail, pp.98-106, pp.132-133.
The Pool of London, Walter Greaves, pp.51-52.
The Timber Waggon, John Linnell, pp.197-198.
The Toiler's Return, Albert Goodwin, pp.77-79.The Wreck, Henry Moore, pp.55-56.
Thomson-style Reflecting Astatic Galvanometer, pp.136-138.
Timber Waggon, The, John Linnell, pp.197-198.
Tissot, James, The Last Evening, pp.145-150, pp.154-155.
Toiler's Return, The, Albert Goodwin, pp.77-79.
Topham, Frank William Warwick, Rescued from the Plague, London 1665, pp.93-97, pp.129-131.
Watts, George Frederic, Ariadne on Naxos, pp.158-159.Wheatstone Automatic 'Jacquard' Telegraph Transmitter, pp.142-143.
Wheatstone Bridge, pp.206-207.
Wheatstone's notes, pp.22-24.
Word From the Missing, James Clarke Hook, pp.45-46.
Wreck, The, Henry Moore, pp.55-56.
Wyllie, William Lionel, Commerce and Sea Power, pp.47-48, pp.193-194.
1866: The Year Communication Changed Forever, pp.16-21.